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Complex wounds, chronic ulcers and diabetic foot ulcers are an ongoing challenge for wound care specialists. The use of adipose tissue, in this clinical setting, represents a widespread and consolidated practice that dates back to the First World War. The Lipogems® system rinses and resizes adipose tissue washing away the pro-inflammatory oily and blood components, the micro fragmented adipose tissue is transferred directly to the injured site, where it stimulates the natural process of tissue repair.

wound care

Wound care

Treatment of complex injuries
Chronic ulcers
Diabetic foot ulcers

Publications in Wound Care

Health-related quality of life outcomes and Hospitalization length of stay after micro-fragmented autologous adipose tissue injection in minor amputations for diabetic foot ulceration (MiFrAADiF trial): results from a randomized controlled single-center clinical trial

GENNAI, Stefano, et al.  International Angiology: a Journal of the International Union of Angiology, 2021. Gennai-2021Download

Wound care,

Chronic prosthesis-related residual limb ulcer treated with autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue

COPELAND, R. et al. Regenerative Therapy, 2021, 18: 21-23. Coperland-2021Download

Wound care,

Autologous micro-fragmented adipose tissue for the treatment of diabetic foot minor amputations: a randomized controlled single-center clinical trial (MiFrAADiF)

LONARDI, R., et al. Stem cell research & therapy, 2019; 10.1: 223. Coppi-Silingardi-2019Download

Wound care,
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